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Lincoln’s Inn
London WC2A 3QN
Hunters Law


Polly Atkins reviews guidance on applications for security for costs in Family Law Journal
Polly Atkins

Polly Atkins reviews guidance on applications for security for costs in Family Law Journal

Eri Horrocks examines whether post-separation assets can be shared on divorce
Eri Horrocks

Eri Horrocks examines whether post-separation assets can be shared on divorce

Henry Hood interviewed by Nick Heath at Capital Asset Management
Henry Hood

Henry Hood interviewed by Nick Heath at Capital Asset Management

Henry Hood and Eri Horrocks discuss separation agreements and examine the case of Horohoe v Horohoe in STEP Journal
Henry Hood

Henry Hood and Eri Horrocks discuss separation agreements and examine the case of Horohoe v Horohoe in STEP Journal

Vanina Wittenburg examines how the pandemic has affected the probate system and hope for the future in the FTAdviser
Vanina Wittenburg

Vanina Wittenburg examines how the pandemic has affected the probate system and hope for the future in the FTAdviser

Hunters art law team assists Forum Auctions with its first ever NFT auction

Hunters art law team assists Forum Auctions with its first ever NFT auction

Jo Carr-West and Eri Horrocks discuss arbitrating relocation cases in The Review

Jo Carr-West and Eri Horrocks discuss arbitrating relocation cases in The Review

Vanina Wittenburg comments on the impact of the BVD cutting the funding of will searches, in This is Money
Vanina Wittenburg

Vanina Wittenburg comments on the impact of the BVD cutting the funding of will searches, in This is Money

Polly Atkins examines the family justice system from the recent case of LS v PS in The Law Society Gazette
Polly Atkins

Polly Atkins examines the family justice system from the recent case of LS v PS in The Law Society Gazette

Hunters launches 2022 vacation scheme
Henry Hood

Hunters launches 2022 vacation scheme

Polly Atkins examines the role of litigation funders vs privileged material in family litigation in Litigation Finance Insider
Polly Atkins

Polly Atkins examines the role of litigation funders vs privileged material in family litigation in Litigation Finance Insider

Stephen Morrall comments on what COVID rules means for workers and employers in Mail Online, This is Money, Mail on Sunday, Daily Mail and MSN Money

Stephen Morrall comments on what COVID rules means for workers and employers in Mail Online, This is Money, Mail on Sunday, Daily Mail and MSN Money

Anna Roiser discusses no-fault divorce and key questions
Anna Roiser

Anna Roiser discusses no-fault divorce and key questions

Vanina Wittenburg is a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
Vanina Wittenburg

Vanina Wittenburg is a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)

Richard Kershaw discusses sharing carried interest in private equity divorces in Lawyer Monthly
Richard Kershaw

Richard Kershaw discusses sharing carried interest in private equity divorces in Lawyer Monthly

Flora Nelmes discusses the steps involved in insuring an unoccupied property following a death in Lawyer Monthly

Flora Nelmes discusses the steps involved in insuring an unoccupied property following a death in Lawyer Monthly