Trusts are a powerful tool for managing and protecting your wealth. However, they have a reputation for being complicated. While we’d never pretend they’re always simple, we still think they have an important role to play.
If (and only if) a trust would suit you, we can help with both the setting up and day-to-day running of it. We work with a wide variety of clients, including settlors, trustees and beneficiaries of families and charitable trusts.
We’ll work hand-in-hand with you to make sure you’re getting the most out of the trust, and, if it turns out no longer to be useful, we’ll help you close it too.
Some of the most common areas we deal with are:
- Creating and closing trusts
- Ongoing management and compliance
- Distribution of trust assets
- Tax implications
- Trustee powers and duties
- Changing trustees
- Applications to the court to vary a trust
Key contacts
To manage your estate properly, we need to really get to know you. Let us start by introducing ourselves.