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Hunters Law LLP
9 New Square
Lincoln’s Inn
London WC2A 3QN
Hunters Law

Disputed wills, trusts and estates

If you face a legal disagreement, for example over a Will, it makes sense to seek legal advice. But that doesn’t necessarily mean lengthy (and expensive) legal proceedings. Where it makes sense, we suggest using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). This approach, along with alternative funding arrangements where possible, can really cut down on fees and friction.

As members of the Association of Contentious Trust & Probate Solicitors (ACTAPS), the areas we have expertise in include:

  • Claims against trustees
  • Disputes over lifetime gifts
  • Claims over who is entitled to a grant of representation to an estate
  • Claims relating to whether a Will is valid or not
  • Actions against personal representatives
  • Disappointed beneficiary claims

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