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Hunters Law
17th September 2015

Hazel Wright co-signs letter to The Telegraph on relationship breakdowns

Hazel Wright co-signs letter to The Telegraph on relationship breakdowns

-Hunters Partner Hazel Wright is one of the signatories to a letter entitled “Relationships breakdown: family stability is vital for a thriving society”, which was published in The Telegraph on the 17th September 2015:

“SIR Relationship breakdown currently costs Britain an estimated £47?billion a year, but just £7.5?million of government funding is made available for prevention. There is an increasing demand for support in this area, yet many cannot afford to access support services, even when they are subsidised by charities.

Family instability can have a devastating effect on mental and physical health, workplace productivity, reoffending rates and children’s educational attainment.

We are calling on the Government to treble relationship support funding to £22? million, providing much?needed investment for interventions that we know make a difference. It would boost children’s life chances and send a signal that strong relationships are vital for a thriving society.”

Read the letter in The Telegraph here.