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Hunters Law
16th March 2023

Can ChatGPT truly assist client experience?

Scott Battram
Scott Battram
Senior Associate

I am always one for innovation and utilising new technology to enhance client experience, and also to make our life as solicitors that little bit simpler. However, I am not sure how well an AI generated message will ensure that the client knows that their solicitor is truly on the end of their email with the assurance that this has been read and dealt with accordingly.

For me, a well drafted email which addresses points raised, but also one that deals with all the client’s concerns and make them aware of the next steps and what our thoughts are, cannot be recreated by AI. It’s the insights, details and personal touches to emails that provide the comfort, and the ability to remind a client of your telephone number if they need to call you. We should never forget that buying or selling a property is one of the most stressful things a person will have to deal with in their lifetime, particularly in today’s property climate.

It will be interesting to read the data to see if ChatGPT does take off and help provide a smoother customer experience as well as potentially generating more work. For me, the jury is still out. Maybe a combined human/tech response that supports the client will be a future solution but for the moment a meaningful connection with the client is key and technology does not deliver the personal and bespoke touch that clients deserve and also expect.