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27th January 2025

Alex Brereton & Priya Mohanakumar discuss pre-nuptial agreements in the FT Adviser

Alex Brereton
Alex Brereton
Priya Mohanakumar
Priya Mohanakumar
Trainee Solicitor

Alex and Priya’s article was published in the FT Adviser, 27 January 2025, and can be seen here.

In an article for the FT Adviser, Alex Brereton, Partner, and Priya Mohanakumar, Trainee Solicitor, discuss the growing trend of pre-nuptial agreements among young professionals in England and Wales.

They highlight that pre-nups, once for the ultra-wealthy, now offer clarity and certainty for many by promoting transparency and helping couples to understand each other’s priorities before marriage.

Not romantic, but practical: what you need to know about pre-nups

Anecdotally, 2024 was the year of the pre-nup for family lawyers in England and Wales, with never-before-seen numbers of young, financially independent professionals seeking the greater clarity and certainty afforded by these agreements, which not so long ago were the preserve of ultra-high-net-worth international families and their offspring, and very few besides.

So, if you have just had a Christmas engagement or you are thinking of a summer wedding, then amongst the blissful bubble (or wedding-planning stress) you may have thoughts of a pre-nuptial agreement on your mind. If so, you will doubtless also be thinking about how on earth to broach it with your intended spouse. And anyway, are they not complicated and time consuming, not to mention unromantic and divisive, and might not even be followed by the court at the end of the day? Perhaps best not to think about it for another week…

The fact is, while all those things can be true, they do not have to be. Where properly considered, it can and should be a straightforward process to enter into a pre-nuptial agreement that benefits both parties, and as an exercise in transparency and forward planning, it provides a platform for entering into a marriage with a full understanding of one another’s priorities.

Read the full article here: Not romantic, but practical: what you need to know about pre-nups (FT Adviser)